TO EDUCATE A GIRL Feature documentary produced in collaboration with UNICEF and UNGEI (the UN Girls Education Initiative), broadcast on Link TV, screened at festivals worldwide and distributed through Teach Unicef. Framed by the UN Millennium development goal of equal access to education, girls in Nepal and Uganda struggle for an education in the face of poverty, war and gender bias. This scene introduces us to Manisha and her family in southern Nepal, where Manisha toils in the fields while her sisters go to school.
Original music by Anthony Tidd facebook
TO EDUCATE A GIRL The radio program "Chatting with My Best Friend" has over 6 million followers in Nepal. In this scene we meet one of the show's hosts and some of the many listeners who write letters to the show every week. One of them is Sanju, a 14-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a scientist.
Original music by Anthony Tidd facebook
TO EDUCATE A GIRL Trailer from feature documentary. facebook
TURNING THE TIDE: TSUNAMI VOLUNTEERS Scenes from my Travel Channel documentary about volunteers' experiences after the 2004 tsunami. The film centers around volunteers building housing in Sri Lanka and reconstructing coral reefs in Thailand.
Narrated by Katina Kalin
LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL AGAIN Scenes from my Travel Channel documentary about the first Mardi Gras after Hurricane Katrina. The film features a Mardi Gras Indian chief and the captain of a traditional Mardi Gras krewe, each struggling in their own way to make the event happen.
Narrated by Jeff Bottoms
A GANG FOR GOOD Documentary about self-government for children on the Lower East Side of New York, where members of a unique "junior republic" elect their own mayor and city council and have their own police and court system. Aired on PBS with international broadcasts on NHK Japan and RAI Italy. In this scene, Jerry Stiller takes a sentimental journey to the block where he served as a teenage councilman.
Featuring Jerry Stiller. Narrated by F. Murray Abraham. New York Times review
“‘Gang for Good’ offers antidote to pessimism”
SECRETS OF THE SOUL: "21 Grams" A special two-hour program distributed by Alive Mind/Lorber HT Digital that examines faith-based beliefs about the human soul and scientific efforts to prove its existence through research into near-death experiences, quantum physics, reincarnation and mediumship. In this re-creation, Dr. Duncan MacDougall tries to prove the soul weighs 21 grams.
Narrated by John Cullum
SECRETS OF THE SOUL: "Near Death Experiences" For scientists, the concept of "survival of consciousness" after death is essential in attempting to prove the existence of the soul. In this scene, a survivor describes her multiple near-death experiences (NDEs), and opposing views on the latest research are explored.
Narrated by John Cullum